Can medications or medical conditions affect OVRY™ Pregnancy Test Strip results?

Can medications or medical conditions affect OVRY™ Pregnancy Test Strip results?

Yes. Aside from pregnancy, a number of conditions such as trophoblastic diseases, proteinuria, hematuria, choriocarcinoma, and ovarian teratomas can cause elevated levels of HCG. Therefore, a positive HCG test alone should not be used to diagnose pregnancy, unless all other possible conditions have been ruled out by a physician. Immunologically interfering substances such as those used in antibody therapy treatments may invalidate this pregnancy test. Ectopic pregnancy cannot be distinguished from normal pregnancy using HCG measurements alone. Only a physician can diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. Patients on chemotherapy for cancer who suspect they might be pregnant should seek the advice of a physician who will administer a pregnancy test. Positive HCG levels may be detectable for several weeks following delivery or abortion. Positive tests early in pregnancy may be negative later due to natural termination of the pregnancy. Sterility treatments affecting HCG levels may cause false results. Consult a doctor on how to complete the test properly if you are taking any hormone medication.