Male Fertility Test
What if the second line on the Male Fertility Test is much lighter than the control line?
Unlike ovulation tests where the relative darkness of the test line (as compared to the control line) is important to determine the test result, for the Male Fertility to be positive, the second line (the test line) simply has to appear within 10 ...
How do I perform the test?
Procedure overview: Semen is ejaculated into the Sample Collection Cup. Once the semen sample sits for one hour, a few drops of the semen are transferred into the Collection Tube using the provided Dropper. Once the semen is mixed with the solution ...
How often should I test?
The full process of producing new sperm takes around 70 days. Since lifestyle factors (like diet, sleep, drug use, weight etc.) can impact sperm concentration, it is recommended that those trying to conceive test every 3-4 months.
At first the result was negative (when the results were interpreted 5 minutes after completing the test, as indicated in the instructions). However, a second test line (T) appeared after an hour - does this mean the test is actually positive?
No. In order for the results to be properly interpreted, you must read the results 5-10 minutes after completing the final step (Step 7) of the test. Any interpretation outside of the results reading window may lead to an incorrect result.
How accurate is the OVRY Male Fertility Test?
Studies indicate that the OVRY Male Fertility Test delivers results that are 99% consistent with laboratory testing.
Is it possible to get varying results from day to day with the OVRY Male Fertility Test?
Yes, sperm concentration can vary and may improve (or deteriorate) with lifestyle changes. Therefore it is possible to get different results between two testing occurrences if significant lifestyle changes have occurred in that time. Some of the most ...
How do I know if the test has been performed correctly?
Assuming all the steps were followed according to the instructions, the test includes internal procedural controls. A red or pink line should always appear in the control region (C) regardless of the positive or negative results. The appearance of a ...
What are the most common reasons for false results? (In other words, what to AVOID doing to ensure the most accurate test results)
The semen sample was collected less than two (2) days or more than seven (7) days after the last ejaculation, which could cause inaccurate results. The entire ejaculate was not collected, including the first few drops of semen. The ejaculate did not ...
Is it okay if some of the semen does not make it into the Sample Collection Cup? Can I still perform the test?
No, it is not okay if some of the semen does not make it into the Sample Collection Cup. In order for the test to be performed properly, all the semen needs to make it into the cup. If some of the semen does not make it into the cup, rinse out the ...
When should I collect a semen sample for the OVRY™ Male Fertility Test?
The test must be performed with a fresh semen sample taken 2-7 days after the last ejaculation.
What is included in the OVRY™ Male Fertility test?
The test includes: 1 x Test Pouch (including 1 x Test Device and 1 x Dropper) 1 x Sample Collection Cup 1 x Collection Tube See our product instructions here, for diagrams of each component. The test kit does not include a timer which is required ...
Does a negative result mean that I am infertile and therefore cannot get someone pregnant?
No. A negative result is an indication of low sperm concentration, not zero sperm. Therefore, it is still possible to get someone pregnant if you received a negative test result with an Ovry Male Fertility Test. This test cannot be used as a form of ...
What does it mean if I have a negative result?
As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive diagnosis should not be based on the result of a single test but should instead be made by a physician after more extensive evaluation. A negative result indicates sperm concentration is below 15 million ...
What does it mean if I have a positive result?
As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive diagnosis should not be based on the result of a single test but should instead be made by a physician after more extensive evaluation. A positive result indicates sperm concentration is at least 15 million ...
What are the test limitations?
This test screens for sperm concentration by detecting SP10 protein in semen only. It does not test for any of the other factors affecting sperm fertility. A negative test result does not prove male infertility and a positive result does not prove ...
Is the darkness of the Test line (T) and/or Control line (C) relevant? Does a weaker line indicate lower sperm concentration?
The relative strength/darkness of the test line (T) and the control line (C) is irrelevant and does not matter. To read the results, simply determine whether the control line (C) and the test line (T) are present.
How do I read my OVRY™ Male Fertility Test results?
Please refer to the instructions for a diagram to supplement the following descriptions. POSITIVE: Two distinct red or pink lines appear. One line should appear in the control region (C), and the other should appear in the test region (T). A positive ...
How does the test detect low sperm concentration?
The OVRY™ Male Fertility Test is a qualitative immunoassay for the detection of sperm SP10 protein in semen. Based on anatomical, genetic and biochemical characteristics, sperm SP10 protein has been proven as an analyzer for sperm concentration ...
How important is sperm concentration to fertility?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the main factors affecting male infertility are sperm concentration, semen volume, total sperm count, liquefaction, sperm pH, sperm motility and sperm morphology. Therefore, a definitive diagnosis for ...
How do OVRY™ Male Fertility Tests work?
The OVRY™ Male Fertility Test identifies lower than normal sperm concentration in semen by detecting the amount of sperm SP10 protein. The test alone does not prove whether you are fertile. However, since sperm concentration is one of the leading ...